As you know, the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, suffered a devastating natural disaster on April 27th, 2011. A series of tornadoes directed a path of destruction through the heart of the city that left countless families’ lives altered forever. In an effort to contribute in some small way to the rebuilding effort, the Vanderbilt Commodores ice hockey team is excited to announce that it will be donating 100% of proceeds from its opening weekend ticket sales to Tuscaloosa Forward, the city of Tuscaloosa’s official rebuilding campaign.
Can’t make the game? That is OK, you can still support the effort. Just go to to donate. (That said, we hope to see you at one or both of the games!)
About Tuscaloosa Forward
(From their website) The Tuscaloosa Forward Strategic Rebuilding Plan will establish the community’s vision for the future of Tuscaloosa. It will ensure that city government, the private sector, and the public are all working together to achieve a common vision. The strategic rebuilding plan will consider all of the systems that make up our city (e.g. infrastructure, energy, transportation, natural resources, land use, and quality of life) and will identify policies, projects, and other investments that will move Tuscaloosa forward.