Zanies Comedy Club To Host Fundraiser For Family Of Jr. Pred Mitchell Mielnik

As many of you know, a member of the Nashville hockey community, Jr. Predator Mitchell Mielnik, tragically passed away this summer shortly after being diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. A 16-year-old who was universally loved by his teammates, coaches, and classmates, Mitchell’s passing was a tremendous shock to many in the greater Nashville area.

To support the family in their efforts to address the healthcare costs incurred during Mitchell’s battle, Zanies Comedy Club and members of the Nashville hockey community will be hosting two comedy shows on Wednesday and Thursday this week where 100% of the proceeds will go to the family. (Click for more information about the event.)

Our Vanderbilt hockey family understands the special bonds forged through our sport, and while we never had the privilege of meeting Mitchell personally, we remain heartbroken for Mitchell’s family due to their loss. As a small token of our sympathy, our club will be making a donation to support the family, and we’d like to encourage all of our fans to do the same. You can go to Zanie’s website to purchase tickets for the shows, or simply make a donation.

We send our very best wishes to the Mielnik family as they continue to adjust to their new reality, and we share our sympathies to everyone touched by the sadness of Mitchell’s passing. Thanks to everyone in advance for supporting the Mielniks in their time of need.

The Vanderbilt Ice Hockey Club

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